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Bringing the Word of God into the hearts and homes of people all over the world through Bible studies and devotionals.


Aspen Place Bible studies are applicable for both new Bible students and for long time believers. The lessons will guide you as you read through portions of scripture. They help you discover the meaning of a passage through other scripture references, commentaries, maps, and colorful illustrations. We also have short video teachings for each lesson. These unique Bible studies will change your life, as you spend time in God’s Word and begin to understand the bigger picture of the Bible.

A book, title A Heart Towards God


Aspen Place Bible studies are applicable for both new Bible Students and for long time believers. The lessons will guide you as you read through portions of scripture. They help you discover the meaning of a passage through other scripture references, commentaries, maps, and colorful illustrations. We also have short video teachings for each lesson. These unique Bible studies will change your life, as you spend time in God’s Word and begin to understand the bigger picture of the Bible.

Debbie, Linda, and Tiffany posing for a picture


At Aspen Place Ministries we are passionate about God’s Holy Word, the Bible and want to share it with others. As Peter said to Jesus in John 6:68, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” The Bible is the word of life to us, it is the very thoughts and heart of God. 

Bible studies are a wonderful way for us to thoughtfully consider God’s Word and learn who the maker of heaven and earth really is. We are confident that you will grow in your relationship with Christ and that you, too, will become passionate about God’s Holy Word as you study the Bible with us. 

A quote from the bible on a white background
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